The sun was shining, the snow was melting, and the wind was blowing slightly.
A golden ’95 Toyota Camry meandered its way through several wind farms, clipping along at a steady 70 miles per hour.
Leaving a growing city of familiarity and comfort, the vehicle’s operator traveled 2 1/2 hours away to a city of opportunity, anticipation, and potential for personal growth. Unaware of the full implications of the transition, the driver eagerly looked forward to the days to come.
Crossing the Missouri River from Iowa into Nebraska, he was greeted with the sights that he had seen many times before and would soon grown very accustomed to.
Moments later, he had arrived at his destination. Good ol’ Bennington, Nebraska.
I got out of my car and walked into the house of the pastor with whom I have built a good relationship over the five years, and an hour later he was taking me to a house a few minutes away where I have since unpacked and settled in.
What am I doing here in Bennington?
Well, as I pursue a “career” in church planting, I am doing a 12-month ministry internship at a church plant here in the Omaha area. Working under the direction of Pastor Eric Wilmeth, I hope to gain a better understanding of US church planting and experience the rigors of it myself.
Since I will be here for a year, there’s no reason to explain everything now. Over time, all the details should be filled in as I write subsequent blog posts.
Time to dive into this exciting ministry! If anyone would like a copy of the prayer later I distributed last fall, simply leave a comment below and I will find a way to get it to you.
Please pray for me!