Brazil, Day 4: First Sunday in the South

This morning I slept in until 7:30, ate a breakfast of cake, fried cheese, banana, and caja juice, and left for church. On Sunday morning they have Sunday School and then in the evening they have their main service because that’s when most people attend. Sunday evening at home is the exact opposite. Read Full Post

Brazil, Day 3: Road Trip!

Today I woke up at 6:30am, quickly took a cold, refreshing shower, and packed all my stuff. At 7am we were on the road, headed out of Fortaleza. People were already awake and moving for the day, but traffic wasn’t too bad yet.

Shortly after making it out of the city, we stopped at a roadside restaurant for breakfast. I enjoyed eggs and cheese rolled up in a tapioca tortilla wrap thing, and I drank cashew juice for the first time. Mmmm! Read Full Post

Brazil, Day 1: Take-off!

Well, today is the day that I left my United States for Brazil! It’s so CrAzY to think about all that has happened since Jim Leonard first asked me to go. Raise support, buy stuff, learn a couple words in Portuguese.

I was at camp last week, training some of the new staff and saying good-bye to my summer ministry for the last 10 summers. But now the time has come to go to Brazil, and it has been Read Full Post

New Job!

So, yesterday I started a dream job…and by that I mean a dream job that I actually never dreamed of having. But after my first 2 1/2 hours, it is like a dream come true!

I’m already a lifeguard and a plasma donor, but yesterday I got a part-time job as a bellsmith. I know, that is not even a word, but it will be now because someone has to coin it sooner or later. I am now one of the few people in the world to repair handbells! Read Full Post