Philippines, Day 9: Greenhills Shopping Center, Again

Friday was the day we got most of our shopping done. We went to the Greenhills Shopping Center again and shopped basically for souvenirs for our family and our friends. This time, Dad did a lot of bargaining. For example, there was one model boat in a bottle that we got for 135 pesos; its original price was 250 pesos. Some people would not go down in price, but most of them did. You could tell that Dad was having fun and that he didn’t like it when they wouldn’t go down. The time went by really fast and before we knew it (literally), it was 10:00pm (9:00am CST). We had supper with Lily and her family again and afterwards went to Starbucks for the third time in one week. Once again, I got a fruit-flavored drink since I don’t like coffee. Read Full Post

Philippines, Day 8: Back to Bontoc, Where I Learned to Walk

On Thursday morning, we woke up at four of the clock and got ready to head for Bontoc. We left at 4:30am and watched the sun quickly rise as we headed back out on the mountain roads. I was planning to sleep for awhile, but seeing all the mountains as we drove along made me forget that idea.

I took picture after picture, thankful that I had to sit all the way in the back because of all the people in the van. It allowed me to take pictures out the back and both sides of the vehicle. Dad also videotaped a lot of it. Read Full Post

Philippines, Day 7: Trip to Baguio City

On Wednesday, we spent the day driving to Baguio City. Bing-Bing took us to his house where we e-mailed our family. After that, Bing-Bing’s family joined us and we got headed toward Baguio City.

It was exciting to watch out the window as we passed rice paddy after rice paddy after rice paddy. It was also really neat as we got up into the mountains. There were a few simple rice terraces to look at; the temperature also started to drop. The road through the mountains was quite windy, but that made it all the more fun. Read Full Post

Philippines, Day 6: Chinatown and More

Tuesday found us back at the dentist’s office again. This time Jennifer and I both had our teeth checked. We sat around for awhile and then we finally went down to meet [someone whose name I can’t remember] again.

This time we went to Chinatown. The first thing we did was have our picture taken in a kalesa [a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage]. While we were in Chinatown, I saw some interesting things. Read Full Post

Philippines, Day 5: Nothin’ Much

On Monday, we went to Uncle James’ dentist office. Not much happened otherwise.

[Note: Hahaha…that was literally all I wrote for that day. We obviously didn’t do much at all that was worth recording. So anyway, due to the lack of stuff to read, I’ll include several pictures that I haven’t shown yet in previous posts.] Read Full Post