It is 4:41am on Tuesday morning and we just left a few minutes ago. I don’t know who had the idea that we would leave at two of the clock, but I’m glad that we didn’t. I made some room in the back seat here, so I will try to get some sleep with my sweater jacket pillow and a suitcase resting right above my legs.
Category: Philippines
Philippines, Day 12: Another Day in the Dental Office
On Monday, we went to Uncle James’ office again. Today was supposed to be Dad’s last day there, but once again (for the second time in a row), it wasn’t. We spent about five hours in the waiting room only to find out that we have to go back. I did get a lot of writing done though.
I found out that we have to get up at two of the clock tomorrow morning to go to Baguio again. I am guessing that we are getting an average of six hours of sleep each night. We either get back very late at night or we wake up before the the crowing rooster gets up- or a combination of both- and I’m surprised that I still have energy each day. Maybe it’s the food I’m eating.
Philippines, Day 11: Bible Faith Baptist Church and Bataan

At 3:30am on Sunday (2:30pm Saturday, CST), we woke up and got ready for church. We were going to go all the way around Manila Bay to the Baptist church that Edgar Palotes pastors. On the way down I slept in the back seat, which was just about the right length for me.
We ate breakfast with Pastor Palotes at Chow King, and then we headed on over to the church. It’s called Bible Faith Baptist Church and I think it’s four years old now. I played my piano for them and Dad preached the sermon. It was exciting to be with them that morning. Of course, it would have been nice if I could have understood everything they said, and I wouldn’t have minded if it was a little cooler, but I still enjoyed it.
Philippines, Day 10: Shopping Adventures
On Saturday, we went back to Huang Dental Office because Dad needed something done with his teeth. But when we got there, we discovered that they didn’t have any electricity.
We waited around for awhile in the terribly hot office and finally left after lunch. Aunt Becky Lim, Aunt Lisa’s sister, took us to a mall to help us find some slacks for me.
Philippines, Day 9: Greenhills Shopping Center, Again

Friday was the day we got most of our shopping done. We went to the Greenhills Shopping Center again and shopped basically for souvenirs for our family and our friends. This time, Dad did a lot of bargaining. For example, there was one model boat in a bottle that we got for 135 pesos; its original price was 250 pesos. Some people would not go down in price, but most of them did. You could tell that Dad was having fun and that he didn’t like it when they wouldn’t go down. The time went by really fast and before we knew it (literally), it was 10:00pm (9:00am CST). We had supper with Lily and her family again and afterwards went to Starbucks for the third time in one week. Once again, I got a fruit-flavored drink since I don’t like coffee.