Helping out the Body

I found an old blog post that I intended to publish three months ago and for some reason it never happened. Anyway, it’s short and sweet and I hope it brings a smile to your face.

March 10, 2013

Somehow I completely missed out on the news about Daylight Savings starting this weekend. But fortunately, my church emailed me yesterday to remind me to set my clock ahead, and today I arrived on time. Read Full Post

Brazil, Day 4: First Sunday in the South

This morning I slept in until 7:30, ate a breakfast of cake, fried cheese, banana, and caja juice, and left for church. On Sunday morning they have Sunday School and then in the evening they have their main service because that’s when most people attend. Sunday evening at home is the exact opposite. Read Full Post

Brazil, Day 3: Road Trip!

Today I woke up at 6:30am, quickly took a cold, refreshing shower, and packed all my stuff. At 7am we were on the road, headed out of Fortaleza. People were already awake and moving for the day, but traffic wasn’t too bad yet.

Shortly after making it out of the city, we stopped at a roadside restaurant for breakfast. I enjoyed eggs and cheese rolled up in a tapioca tortilla wrap thing, and I drank cashew juice for the first time. Mmmm! Read Full Post

Two Weeks Until Take-off!

The countdown’s getting lower every day! Two weeks from today I will fly to Brazil, and I just received final approval from Baptist Mid-Missions for my trip!

Over the last few weeks I have been working to get my required immunizations, finalize my flight plans, and organize materials that I will be bringing with me. My visa came in a long time ago, so all required documents for entering the country have been received. Read Full Post

The Simple Joys

Tonight at Master Club (the Wednesday night kids program at Heartland Baptist in Ames) one of the fifth-grade girls who I barely know came up to me and said, “A miracle happened this morning!”

I responded, “What?!”

She said, “My mom was released from prison!”

Me: “That’s so great! I’m glad to hear that!” Read Full Post