Did the First-Century Church Have Members?

In our ongoing exploration of church membership, we now turn our attention to the roots of this concept in the first-century Christian communities.

The early church, birthed in the cultural milieu of the Roman Empire, operated in a vastly different context than the institutionalized structures we know today. Let’s unearth the foundations of belonging in the early Christian assemblies. Read Full Post

The Evolution of Church Membership

Joshua's Baptism

Baptism did not save me, but it made me a church member!

Perhaps I should clarify. In my hometown church, membership is automatic when you get baptized. So I have been a member of a local church for over 26 years now because I was baptized in the fall of 1997.

Salvation made me a member of Christ’s body, the universal church. But baptism joined me with the local church in Mason City, IA. Read Full Post

It Is Time to Rethink Church Membership

On Sunday night a group of us were discussing the topic of church dropouts, and the question arose, “What is church membership?”

We did not come to any conclusions at the moment, especially since it was technically not the main topic of the hour. I mostly sat and listened without saying anything despite the fact that I have been thinking deeply and reading extensively about the topic for over a year. Read Full Post

3 Reasons Sunday Sermons Are a Waste of Time

What better way to waste your time on your day of rest than to do it with an ineffective sermon, right?

The Sunday sermon, a cornerstone of modern-day Christian churches, provides an opportunity for believers to gather, reflect, and learn from the teachings of Scripture.

Despite this valuable time of communal worship, however, these sermons may not always lead to the transformative change intended. Read Full Post

2 Chronicles 7:14 Is Not Written to You

I am the oldest of 12 children, and I have 7 brothers.

It has been 7 years since I last lived in my parents’ home, and I now have a family and a house of my own.

As with almost every home with children, bedrooms become messy and need cleaning at my home. It’s not unusual for parents to tell a child to clean his room. Read Full Post