Trusting in Revival Will Lead to Hell

Tent Revival
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Christopher Paquette

I said in a previous post “that I do believe that some people will spend eternity apart from Christ even though a ‘revival’ at some church gave them confidence that just the opposite would happen.”

An unhealthy emphasis on spiritual awakening among unsaved people and a failure to define terms has no doubt led some people to believe that they had a relationship with Jesus Christ because they attended a church service, walked an aisle during an invitation, and prayed a prayer asking Jesus to come into their heart and be their Lord. Read Full Post

Revival Happens More Often Than You Think…and Less Often Than You Think

Language is like humans. It lives, it breathes, it changes, and it dies. Unlike God who never changes, language is subjective and means different things to different people.

Unfortunately, within the church and in Christian circles, language is no more objective than it is outside of Christianity.

I mean, what did I even just say? What is the meaning of church, and what is a Christian? I know what I meant, but you may completely misunderstand what I meant because you might define those words differently than I did. Read Full Post

730 Days and Counting

“Please tell your church that we thank them for letting you come and minister to us.”

The Ghanaian man who translated for me as I preached thanked me profusely for coming to his church while the congregation nodded their heads in agreement. It meant so much to them that my church in Minnesota would share me with them for a Sunday, one-third of the way around the globe. Read Full Post

Little People, Big Thoughts- Part 02

Girl in Class

Yesterday I shared about my recent method for teaching the kids in my church. Rather than just telling them more Bible stories, I have structured my lessons to be focused more on answering questions they have. The results have been quite favourable for a variety of reasons.

Today, I want to tell you about Sunday School this last week. I was given the reins to the 3rd-5th grade class, but I did not have much time to prepare something. My good friend Drew Baby (if you don’t know who that is, yeah, that’s his nickname) also joined me in class. Read Full Post

Little People, Big Thoughts- Part 01

Assumptions, assumptions. Why are humans so full of assumptions? We all have preconceived ideas that influence every piece of information that wiggles its way into our brains. Oh…gross…that probably wasn’t the best word usage. Now I have images of worms crawling into- okay, I’ll stop.

Anyway, for some reason, no matter what we see or hear, we usually already have an opinion about it. At least, that’s the way I am, and I’m assuming you are similar 😉 Read Full Post