In 2015 I started getting into the habit of traveling a lot. While doing an internship in Omaha, I still had to take seminary classes in Ankeny, IA, so I estimate that I made about 40 of those 5-hour round trips that year. God also provided opportunities that year to go on a family vacation in Washington and Oregon, an orchestra tour in Minnesota, a short soccer tournament trip in Florida, and a ministry trip in the San Francisco Bay area.
Tag: Church
A Year of Questions, Part 5: “Where Do You Live?”

Ah yes, the popular question that has an ever-changing answer. In fact, sometimes the answer is simply, “Good question,” because I do not always know where I live.
Since January 2015, I have moved 8 times. Yep, you read that correctly. In the last 35 months, I have moved my “living” location 8 different times. I need to qualify that situation though by mentioning that I am also thankful for the generosity of 7 different individuals or families who have allowed me to live in their houses.
A Year of Questions, Part 3: “So What Do You Do?”
The best job is the one you enjoy doing day after day after day. Right?
How many people out there have a job they dread? They might be making lots of money, but they might be happier doing something else that pays less.
Then there are the jobs that are fun for awhile and then they become mundane and undesirable. When I fly, I almost always sit in the back. I am never in a hurry to deplane, so I have no problem sitting farther back, and I also have a better chance of getting an empty seat beside me (and thus more space). After we land, I look out the window as the baggage handlers put our luggage on carts and take them away. I have thought to myself, “I think I would like doing that job…for a few days. Then I’d be tired of it.”
A Year of Questions, Part 2: “How Long Will You Be There?”
Their stoic faces glistened with tears as the shock began to take root in their minds. Most people never saw it coming, and several tried to convince themselves they were only having a bad dream.But this was not a cruel figment of one’s imagination- it was
But this was not a cruel figment of one’s imagination- it was reality, a reality that is experienced by churches around world, perhaps more regularly than it should.
A Year of Questions, Part 1: “How Did You End Up at Lighthouse?”
The longer you’re alive, the faster time seems to go by, and the last 365 days in my life have been no exception.
On October 8, 2016, I officially moved from Mason City, Iowa, up to Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Only a few short hours later, I taught junior church for the first time at Lighthouse Baptist Church. Thus began my new ministry as the assistant pastor at Lighthouse Baptist in Cottage Grove.