Philippines, Day 18: Fond Farewell

[Because the Philippines is half a day ahead of the US, we left the Philippines on Sunday, July 4, and arrived back in Minneapolis over 24 hours later on the same Sunday, July 4. I will split the return trip into two blog posts.]

This morning, we left the Philippines. Dad had stayed up most of the night packing our stuff. All we had left to pack when we woke up were some shells that we had collected from the ocean beaches in Sta. Maria. However, at breakfast, Uncle James told us that there were some shells that we should not take with us. Read Full Post

Philippines, Day 17: Into the Maximum Security Prison

On Saturday morning- today- we came to the dental office for one last visit. On the way here, we went by the house where Dad was born and first grew up in. It was not much compared to the house we’re staying in that he later lived in. The bakery that used to be across the street from them, Moonlight Bakery, is not there anymore. Dad said that he didn’t even recognize the street anymore. Read Full Post

Philippines, Day 16: Back to Manila

This morning, Friday morning, we woke up and left the hotel around 8:26am (7:26pm CST) after eating breakfast at Chow King again. I thought we were going to go straight back to Manila, but it turned out that we had more relatives to go see.

This time we went to meet Jessie Rose’s inlaws. They had a very nice seven-bedroom house in Urdanetta. It was more like a normal house you would expect to find in America. We had a tour of it and everybody talked for awhile. Read Full Post

Philippines, Day 15: Family Reunion in Baguio City

It’s 7:02am Thursday morning, and we are headed toward breakfast. I slept better last night, although I had to wake up earlier today than I had to yesterday.

After eating breakfast, we headed toward Baguio. Uncle Job had gotten hold of Uncle Joseph and he had said we could come. We took the Marcos highway and it didn’t take us long to get there. Read Full Post

Philippines, Day 14: Sights and Sounds of Santa Maria

It’s Wednesday morning, and we just left the hotel. I don’t know where we’re headed right now, but I guess I’ll find out soon. I slept pretty well last night; at least the beds were comfortable. It’s about a quarter till eight right now.

The place we went to next was another oceanside hotel. We decided to try to find a different one to stay in tonight. This new one wasn’t the best either so I don’t know where we’re staying tonight. Read Full Post