The Illusory Effect Destroys Theology

The year: 1692.

The setting: Salem Village in colonial Massachusetts.

Tension and unease filled the air as the sun cast long shadows over the Puritan settlement. An unfortunate, history-altering mysterious affliction befell several young girls.

Their behavior became erratic, marked by spasms, contortions, and eerie visions. Desperate to explain the inexplicable, the girls pointed accusatory fingers at fellow villagers, igniting a spark that would engulf the community in a fervor of paranoia and persecution. Read Full Post

“I Told You So!”

Garden Tomb Sign

Isn’t it annoying when you know something to be 100% true, and you share it with someone, and they respond by saying, “I don’t believe you”?

Then, after time and circumstances prove you right, how hard is it to keep yourself from blurting, “I told you so”?

One of my favourite parts of Jesus’ resurrection account is when the angel said, “He is not here; for He is risen, as He said” (Matthew 28:6). Read Full Post

2 Chronicles 7:14 Is Not Written to You

I am the oldest of 12 children, and I have 7 brothers.

It has been 7 years since I last lived in my parents’ home, and I now have a family and a house of my own.

As with almost every home with children, bedrooms become messy and need cleaning at my home. It’s not unusual for parents to tell a child to clean his room. Read Full Post

Trusting in Revival Will Lead to Hell

Tent Revival
Source: Wikimedia Commons, Christopher Paquette

I said in a previous post “that I do believe that some people will spend eternity apart from Christ even though a ‘revival’ at some church gave them confidence that just the opposite would happen.”

An unhealthy emphasis on spiritual awakening among unsaved people and a failure to define terms has no doubt led some people to believe that they had a relationship with Jesus Christ because they attended a church service, walked an aisle during an invitation, and prayed a prayer asking Jesus to come into their heart and be their Lord. Read Full Post