Two Weeks Until Take-off!

The countdown’s getting lower every day! Two weeks from today I will fly to Brazil, and I just received final approval from Baptist Mid-Missions for my trip!

Over the last few weeks I have been working to get my required immunizations, finalize my flight plans, and organize materials that I will be bringing with me. My visa came in a long time ago, so all required documents for entering the country have been received. Read Full Post

The Simple Joys

Tonight at Master Club (the Wednesday night kids program at Heartland Baptist in Ames) one of the fifth-grade girls who I barely know came up to me and said, “A miracle happened this morning!”

I responded, “What?!”

She said, “My mom was released from prison!”

Me: “That’s so great! I’m glad to hear that!” Read Full Post

Such a Great Day!

Okay, so I have lots of homework to do right now, but I just feel compelled to write about my morning at Heartland Baptist Church.

First of all, I had the the great privilege to play piano for both morning services. Both services were well-attended, and as I played the piano, I could hear the joy in the people’s voices as they sang out loud to the glory of God. Read Full Post