A Year of Questions, Part 5: “Where Do You Live?”

Log Cabin Home

Ah yes, the popular question that has an ever-changing answer. In fact, sometimes the answer is simply, “Good question,” because I do not always know where I live.

Since January 2015, I have moved 8 times. Yep, you read that correctly. In the last 35 months, I have moved my “living” location 8 different times. I need to qualify that situation though by mentioning that I am also thankful for the generosity of 7 different individuals or families who have allowed me to live in their houses. Read Full Post

Brazil, Day 22: July 4th in Brazil

Ugh…I woke up so tired this morning! Not from going to bed late, but simply from being worn out the day before. I set my alarm to wake up early for a run, but I quickly put that idea aside when it sounded. I would rather be at my best throughout the day than to get in that run.

Went up to breakfast and ate a French roll with hotdogs and cheese, four slices of pineapple, papaya, and hot milk. I then stayed in the dining hall to do my devos in the first half of Acts 14. Read Full Post

Brazil, Day 10: Giving to Brasil

When my alarm went off this morning, the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed. I wasn’t necessarily tired although I definitely could have slept longer. Rather, I just didn’t want to get out of my really comfortable bed and go running. But I took a break two days ago, so after laying there for almost an hour, I finally got up and ran. Read Full Post

2011: The Music, a Musician, and the Maestro


Have you ever thought of time as a piece of music? Perhaps a concerto with millennia as movements, centuries as periods, years as phrases, and weeks as measures?

You and I are each musicians in the largest orchestra ever created, the universe as our hall, the earth as our shell, the angels as our audience, and God as the Maestro. We each have our own responsibility to play our parts correctly, but ultimately it is God who masterfully controls the performance and receives the credit for a piece well-played. Read Full Post

A New Day: Pudding the Past and the Present in Perspective

Kraft sign that Dad designed

“Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23

Today is a new day.

Today God’s mercies are new.

But today, God is the same.

For 20 years my dad worked at Kraft Foods Jell-O plant in Mason City, IA, the source of every single Jell-O cup on the planet. It was a physically-demanding job, especially after my dad was severely injured in an elevator accident 10 years ago. Add to that his age and the demands of taking care of a growing family at home, and his full-time job continued to take a toll on him. Read Full Post