A Year of Questions, Part 3: “So What Do You Do?”

The best job is the one you enjoy doing day after day after day. Right?

How many people out there have a job they dread? They might be making lots of money, but they might be happier doing something else that pays less.

Then there are the jobs that are fun for awhile and then they become mundane and undesirable. When I fly, I almost always sit in the back. I am never in a hurry to deplane, so I have no problem sitting farther back, and I also have a better chance of getting an empty seat beside me (and thus more space). After we land, I look out the window as the baggage handlers put our luggage on carts and take them away. I have thought to myself, “I think I would like doing that job…for a few days. Then I’d be tired of it.” Read Full Post

Games, More Games, a Movie, and the Gospel

Well, I just realized that I never wrote about rest of the Family Fun Nights that we had at Bennington Baptist Church this summer. I wrote about our Western night and what a great evening it was. We had an amazing turnout that we had prepared for but were definitely not expecting, and it encouraged us greatly as we moved on to our other three events. Read Full Post


Wanted Poster

The sweltering heat gave way to the cool evening air as the sun quietly made it’s way down the horizon. Wiping the sweat from his brow, the cowboy-looking figure carefully dismounted his camera from its tripod and gently reloaded his backpack. “Home on the Range” had been a success, and now it was time to pack up the range and head home. Read Full Post

Sports at a Bible College? Why? – Part 3

As I drove away from the elementary school where we had our Sunday morning service in Bennington, NE several weeks ago, a small sign on the street corner caught my eye.

“Volunteers Needed. Bennington Soccer Club.”

WHAT?! How can I get involved in that?!

One of my goals in going to Bennington for a year-long church planting internship was to get involved in the community in as many ways as possible. Having played soccer, played in orchestra, and taken lots of pictures while at school, there were three specific ways I wanted to get involved in the community: soccer, music, and photography. Read Full Post

An Effective Prayer Letter

In the last couple weeks I have received about a dozen prayer letters via email from missionaries that I know. As a result of reading a wide assortment of these missionary updates, and after writing one myself yesterday, I came to the conclusion that there are specific ways to make a prayer letter more effective. Read Full Post