W.I.L.D. 2011: Tuesday- The Unforgiving Tim River

Tuesday’s Journal Entry:

“Got about 8 solid hours of sleep but woke up sore. After a season of soccer though, I’m used to it. We ate more oatmeal, packed up camp, and headed out. Today Cody and I were given the map, the destination, and the responsibility of leading the group to our next campsite. Read Full Post

W.I.L.D. 2011: Monday- Into the Wilderness

Monday’s Journal Entry:

“Woke up after about 7 hours of sleep, ate one pack of instant oatmeal, packed everything up, and headed into the woods for about an hour of quiet time with God. After reading through 1 Timothy and recording my thoughts in my devo book, I just spent the remainder of the time in prayer. Read Full Post

W.I.L.D. 2011: A Wilderness Experience

Okay people, here it is. Many of you have been waiting to hear about my wilderness trip in Canada three weeks ago. But under orders to keep quiet about my trip for two weeks and re-engage in life back here at home, I have refrained from giving too many details.

Finally, the time has come when I can begin to tell you about my experience in the Algonquin. I have been reflecting on the trip and processing the things I have learned, and I am more than ready to share my experience and encourage everyone who is able to participate in W.I.L.D. next year. Read Full Post

School Chronicles

Well, now that school has been out for three weeks and I have had time to reflect on the school year while accomplishing things at home, I think it’s well past time (now that I have more time) to start posting stories and snippets from my past year at school. They won’t be in any specific order, but as I think of the stories I will record them here.
God was so good to me this year and He gave me many opportunities to learn, serve, teach, and lead at school. Hopefully I can use my blog to communicate the love, joy, and peace that I experienced, the patience, kindness, and goodness with which I was encouraged, and the faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control toward which I was challenged.
Life at Faith Baptist Bible College is definitely an experience, a valuable one. There are so many things to share, just from this last year. My first year was filled with learning opportunities as I adjusted to college life at Faith and got settled into my higher-learning environment. Now I’m weathered and learned, and my year was about utilizing every opportunity God gave me to grow and help others grow. So to God be the glory for what He has done. Read Full Post

Conditional Love

For today I thought it would be appropriate to just receive a reminder of Biblical love- God’s love. Immediately I went to 1 John 4. I love this chapter and reading, studying, and meditating on it never grows old.

To keep from writing out a sermon, I’m going to focus on verses 7-11 even though I read the whole chapter: Read Full Post