A New Child

The image is embedded in my mind…

…the day my bedroom became a birth room.

I’m a visual person, so when I remember things, I see them. If I can’t see it, I probably don’t remember it. The farther back you go in my life, the fewer pictures I still have, but one of them I will never forget- or, I hope I never do. Read Full Post

A Year of Questions, Part 7: “How Old Are You?”

One of the reasons I love kids is because I love doing the things they do. I still feel young and want to play with Legos, have water fights, and run out into the street during a parade to get candy. On Sunday night I may or may not have been chasing kids around in the basement of the church building…and yes, I was walking the whole time (just really fast). Read Full Post

A Year of Questions, Part 6: “Are You Back in Minnesota for Awhile?”

In 2015 I started getting into the habit of traveling a lot. While doing an internship in Omaha, I still had to take seminary classes in Ankeny, IA, so I estimate that I made about 40 of those 5-hour round trips that year. God also provided opportunities that year to go on a family vacation in Washington and Oregon, an orchestra tour in Minnesota, a short soccer tournament trip in Florida, and a ministry trip in the San Francisco Bay area. Read Full Post

A Year of Questions, Part 5: “Where Do You Live?”

Log Cabin Home

Ah yes, the popular question that has an ever-changing answer. In fact, sometimes the answer is simply, “Good question,” because I do not always know where I live.

Since January 2015, I have moved 8 times. Yep, you read that correctly. In the last 35 months, I have moved my “living” location 8 different times. I need to qualify that situation though by mentioning that I am also thankful for the generosity of 7 different individuals or families who have allowed me to live in their houses. Read Full Post