Brazil, Day 3: Road Trip!

Today I woke up at 6:30am, quickly took a cold, refreshing shower, and packed all my stuff. At 7am we were on the road, headed out of Fortaleza. People were already awake and moving for the day, but traffic wasn’t too bad yet.

Shortly after making it out of the city, we stopped at a roadside restaurant for breakfast. I enjoyed eggs and cheese rolled up in a tapioca tortilla wrap thing, and I drank cashew juice for the first time. Mmmm! Read Full Post

Two Weeks Until Take-off!

The countdown’s getting lower every day! Two weeks from today I will fly to Brazil, and I just received final approval from Baptist Mid-Missions for my trip!

Over the last few weeks I have been working to get my required immunizations, finalize my flight plans, and organize materials that I will be bringing with me. My visa came in a long time ago, so all required documents for entering the country have been received. Read Full Post


Well, after 10 summers on staff at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp, God is leading me somewhere else this year. If you haven’t guessed already, this summer I am going to Brazil.

God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve Him there for seven weeks alongside Jim and Julie Leonard, long-time family friends. I am excited for this ministry and consider it a privilege to become acquainted with missions work in Northeast Brazil. For many years I have wanted to go on an overseas missions trip, but I just never felt God leading me that direction. Well, this summer He has! Read Full Post

A Dream Come True

Ringing at Calvary Baptist in Wisconsin Rapids

9 days
13 concerts
9 churches
3 Christian schools
37 people
1 ministry tour that will never be forgotten

As a member of the orchestra at Faith Baptist Bible College, it was a dream of mine the past few years to go on a week-long music ministry tour. Last August I received an email informing the orchestra members that at the end of the 2011-2012 school year, we would finally have that opportunity. But halfway through the fall semester, that dream once again became wishful thinking when I received news that the tour had been cancelled. Read Full Post