We Don’t Know What to Do!!! – Part 1

Has there ever been a time in your life when you just didn’t know what to do next? I’m not talking about last week when you woke up with a cough and didn’t know whether you should go to work or school. Nor am I talking about the other day when you ate a huge supper and didn’t know whether or not to have dessert. Read Full Post

Games, More Games, a Movie, and the Gospel

Well, I just realized that I never wrote about rest of the Family Fun Nights that we had at Bennington Baptist Church this summer. I wrote about our Western night and what a great evening it was. We had an amazing turnout that we had prepared for but were definitely not expecting, and it encouraged us greatly as we moved on to our other three events. Read Full Post


Wanted Poster

The sweltering heat gave way to the cool evening air as the sun quietly made it’s way down the horizon. Wiping the sweat from his brow, the cowboy-looking figure carefully dismounted his camera from its tripod and gently reloaded his backpack. “Home on the Range” had been a success, and now it was time to pack up the range and head home. Read Full Post

Preparing the Bride

In the past, I wasn’t the biggest fan of weddings. As a child I went to weddings with my family and a couple times in my “later years” I had the privilege of playing music for the weddings of close family members or friends. But I never was too enthralled with them. I enjoyed the food though, and if I have enough mental capacity to remember any of the specific weddings I attended, I literally can tell you what food or punch almost every one of them served: Chicken enchiladas, pork roast, Famous Dave’s, grape punch with vanilla ice cream- to name a few. Read Full Post

“To Infinity and Beyond”

20 years and counting…

Wow, it’s been a long time, but the vapor of the last 20 years has also been fleeting. Praise the Lord there are many more to come!

On this evening on March 15, 1995, I knelt at my bedside and received Jesus Christ as my Savior. It is one of those childhood memories that I can still clearly visualize. Read Full Post