I came to Brasil hoping that I would also find time to exercise and get in shape for my last season of futbol at Faith Baptist Bible College this fall. So I woke up this morning and ran for almost 20 minutes, hating every minute of it. Running is the worst. But I did it, and hopefully I’m in much better shape at the end of the summer than I am now.
Tag: SMF
2011: The Music, a Musician, and the Maestro

Have you ever thought of time as a piece of music? Perhaps a concerto with millennia as movements, centuries as periods, years as phrases, and weeks as measures?
You and I are each musicians in the largest orchestra ever created, the universe as our hall, the earth as our shell, the angels as our audience, and God as the Maestro. We each have our own responsibility to play our parts correctly, but ultimately it is God who masterfully controls the performance and receives the credit for a piece well-played.
Living with No Rights is Living the Right Way

Wielding a hammer, the master firmly struck the awl through the soft flesh and into the door post. The servant bravely suppressed a scream that tried to escape his mouth as pain seared through his ear lobe. But he was not afraid or distressed by the situation. No, he was full of joy and pride because of the significance of the moment. This man just made the transition from a servant to a bondservant. He would never be free again, and he had no rights, but he was happy. He was happy because he had chosen to be compelled to serve his master…for the rest of his life.